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A circular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. Spatial information can be an enabler of circular economy activity in cities in the same way it is used for land...

The global effort to counter climate change requires governments and societies to transition to low-carbon economies. This will force change through many sectors including energy, transport, agriculture, mining and others....

An effect of climate change is increased frequency and severity of natural hazards including but not limited to bushfire, floods, cyclones and drought. The need to predict, prepare, respond and recover from these natural hazards will be a critical element of national resilience. Space and...

The two science academies, the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, are currently developing a national space science strategy that has a number of elements including; capacity development, communications technologies, demographics, education and training, planetary sciences, remote sensing and...

The nation is facing a growing shortage of STEM skilled workers. A vital requirement is an expansion of the capacity of the education sector across all the space and spatial disciplines to fulfil the skillset needs for under-graduate, post-graduate, to vocational and micro-credentialing....

The Government has increased Australia’s national focus on protecting critical infrastructure and systems of national significance. This aims to identify and understand the vulnerabilities of our society arising from interconnected and interdependent critical infrastructure, much of which is owned by commercial organisations whose business models...

In September the Australian and the United Kingdom announced the new Australia – UK Space Bridge designed to enable the nation’s space businesses better access to the global space sector. The Bridge will facilitate new trade and investment opportunities and the exchange of knowledge and...

Is the national peak body catering for the 2200 professionals who make up the spatial information industry. SSSI gives a voice to the members of the spatial science community in both the national and international arena. SSSI through its Remote Sensing Commission is heavily involved...

This Agenda and its complementary plan has been in operation for three years. It comprises over 30 key initiatives to grow the spatial industry built up from a comprehensive, nation-wide program of consultation. Industry-led by SIBA|GITA, the 2026 Agenda is governed by a Leadership Group...

In September the Prime Minister announced a $150M contribution to support Australian involvement in NASA’s Moon and Mars shots (the Lunar Gateway and Project Artemis). This investment will support Australian businesses contribute to NASA’s critical pipeline of work. Australia was also an early signatory of...