Roadmap drivers

One of the fundamental motivations for the reinvigoration of Australia’s space policy and space industry has been the recognition that Australia needs far more sovereign equity in and assured access to vital space assets and space-derived services. Achieving of this objective will be greatly aided...

Many members of OGC come from Australia. Multiple OGC international meetings have been hosted by Australia. Australian members have led or contributed to the establishment of several OGC Standards. The Australia and New Zealand Forum provides a community for discussing issues particular to the region....

Australia’s peak space industry body, the Space Industry Association of Australia (SIAA), and peak spatial industry body, the Spatial Industries Business Association and Geospatial Information & Technology Association ANZ (collectively known as SIBA|GITA) have a nascent collaboration at present. The 2030 RoadMap will provide the...

Is Australia’s peak body representing industry, all levels of government, research and education, that collect and transform earth observation data into essential products and services for government, defence and industry....

Is growing its capability in space, building on its long history in spacecraft tracking and earth observation. The Space Technology Future Science Platform funds technology development across all of CSIRO’s business areas, including advanced manufacturing, agriculture and biosciences. CSIRO has also purchased 10% of time...

Is leading the development of high-accuracy Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) infrastructure for Australia with a $225M investment from the Australian Government in the 2018 budget. GA is also pioneering the use of satellite imagery data through the DEA capability, with an initial investment of...

The July publication of 2020 Defence Strategic Update and Force Structure Plan commits Defence to $7B of space investment and foreshadows up to $13.4B in the longer term. It is perfect timing now to marry this with the road-mapping of the civilian sector and recognise...

Is set to invest $245 million in space technologies over the next seven years through its 100 plus partnering organisations which include 70 companies, 20 universities and the CSIRO, and the Department of Defence through DST. The SmartSatCRC’s strategic plan will benefit greatly if it...

Australia’s spatial industry currently contributes at least $12 billion to GDP. The Spatial Industry is growing at around 10% globally and is set to make a major contribution to the achievement of the ASA’s space industry growth objectives....