Roadmap drivers

Has critical capabilities that leverages space technologies, both for earth observation and positioning, providing high value information products and services to almost every part of the Australian economy. This critical capability is set for significant growth over the next decade, delivering whole new application capabilities...

Established in June 2018, ensures Australia has a peak agency for space responsible for achieving the economic growth targets. The ASA developed the Australian Civil Space Strategy to advance this vision and provide a long-term plan for the space sector....

The Australian Government is committed to achieving two key objectives for the space industry by 2030: 1) 20,000 additional jobs and, 2) triple the size of the space economy to a $12 billion contribution to GDP. The current size of the Australian space industry is...

As the nation prepares for the recovery phase of its battle with COVID-19 the timing of the road-mapping represents an ideal opportunity to develop a deep and well considered contribution to the national planning, especially its ability to engender confidence and hope for a challenged...