
In this information age, economic success, societal well-being and national security pivots around our ability to collect, disseminate and exploit complex data in a timely and effective manner. Space and spatial capabilities are central to achieving this, providing essential data and services to support areas of national importance such as land and water security, emergency management, and, increasingly, autonomous systems and smart cities management.

The Australian space and spatial industries are poised for great growth. By systematically and strategically working together, these two closely allied industries will realise enormous benefits that would otherwise not be possible.

The Space and Spatial Industry Growth RoadMap 2030 is being developed to:

1) highlight the strategic importance of a strong Australian space and spatial capability,

2) identify the critical characteristics of such a capability, and

3) outline the steps required to realise an integrated space and spatial ecosystem that will be a key national asset.

This paper sets out a series of issues that are designed to elicit feedback through a comprehensive process of consultation. The desired outcome from the consultation process will be a growth RoadMap focused on the most important areas where space and spatial can work together and a set of actions to optimise the accelerated growth of these two industries looking out to 2030.

The paper focusses on those issues that have not yet been factored into the many existing strategies and plans of the agencies, organisations and companies that have contributed to the paper. The priority for this paper is on the growth potential for earth-oriented applications, recognising that the outward looking space will warrant similar attention in the future. The issues raised here are therefore those that should be considered in addition to existing planning arrangements which are shown in Figure 1 below:

We are seeking your feedback on the issues highlighted in the Executive Summary and the more detailed Consultation Paper:

  • Do these issues represent the right priorities for Australia?
  • What issues are missing, understated or overstated?
  • What are the must-have capabilities that Australia needs to integrate into the nation’s space and spatial ecosystem to optimise growth and build national resilience over the next decade that are not yet part of any published and intended plans?

Mainstreaming integration of the space and spatial sectors has the potential to achieve direct, indirect and cumulative impact across almost all areas of Australia’s society and economy.