Online feedback

Welcome to the landing area for all your online feedback.

You have several options to ensure your response is fast and easy, but also with as much or little detail as you prefer.

3 ‘Big Questions’

The main feedback form is immediately below. (You can complete it within this page or click through to a new browser tab.) Here you can…

Adding more detail (optional)

If you’re keen to add more specific or detailed comments on the Key Issues, scroll down to the bottom of this page to find options for more detailed response.

Thought starters (optional)

Finally, you can comment on the ‘thought-starters’ found at the end of the Consultation Paper executive summary - either by yourself, or as part of a group discussion. These will also be a part of several of the S+S Sectoral Dialogues.


Take 10 minutes to add your ratings and comments to the online feedback.

NB: This form is anonymous by default. You can choose to add contact details for optional follow-up.

Click here to open the form in a new browser window or tab or scan the QR code below on your device.

Keen to make a more focused and in-depth response?