How it works


Most importantly, this consultation process has been designed around busy people like you. Here, on this website, you can scan as much as you like or as little as you need.

The response options are quick and easy while providing options for deeper comment where it might be of interest.

The options are straightforward:

Read the Consultation Paper

You can quickly get to the issues that matter most to you.

You may download the PDF document of the full paper (100 pages) or the Executive Summary (12 pages). The Paper contents are also readable more interactively on this website. Feel free to scan as much or as little as time permits.

One quick way to start is to filter your preferred view of the 24 Key Issues.

Submit your feedback online

We are aiming to condense this paper into a few achievable goals and pathways forward to 2030.

Your input to the 3 Big Questions is the first priority.

As part of this quick 10-minute feedback form you might also like to provide a snapshot of your thinking on the 24 Key Issues.

Optional: Be part of a discussion group

Many people find that responding meaningfully to such big and wide questions is best done as a group.

You can convene or join a small group in your office and professional network - perhaps a short 30 mins-1 hour chat over coffee.

Then one (or each of you separately) can upload comments via the online feedback form.

Express interest here.

Optional: Join an industry dialogue

Several industry associations - including SSSI, SIBA|GITA and others - have committed to supporting the national Roadmap consultation by organising discussion groups (see previous) that may be themed by professional discipline or special interest.

Some of these will be on-site discussion circles and some will be national or state-based video linkups. All will be facilitated with discussion topics & guides as part of these SPACE+SPATIAL Industry Dialogues.